Babyrama: Noa Grace & Other Baby Stuff

The girl's name Noa is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "movement." Biblical name.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Little Miss Grabby

She is really grabbing ahold of things now! Pretty cool. We've been putting her on her playmat with a few toys hanging down but they were a little out of reach. She occasionally would bat at them but quite by accident or seem to grab for them but not really get a grip on them.

Then I added a few more toys - 3 little monkeys that hang down a bit lower. She is grabbing them and actually hanging on to their tails, batting them constantly and making funny noises. She reaches up, touches one with her hand, pushes it into another one - she seems to realize the relationship between two objects and that you can push them together.

She still loves kicking while laying on her back - good for relieving gas.

She is chattering a lot more, too. Making a lot of big smiles, too, and not just when passing the gas.

I think she has also learned to stick out her tongue in response to us sticking out our tongue. She may start it, then we respond, then she sticks hers out again after a big smile. Or we'll start and she often sticks her tongue out in response.

I'm liking this more interactive version of baby.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Baby Update

Noa Grace has discovered her hands. She is now batting and grabbing at things - namely the toys dangling from her Fisher Price play mat (the cheapest one I could find - who needs to spend $80+ when $24 gets you something baby likes?).

She is also discovering putting her hands into her mouth and this morning edged her thumb between her lips - her first thumb suck. She is brilliant, yes?

Right now, her favorite pasttime is spending over 20 minutes under the archway of her play mat batting anything dangling close to her and kicking, kicking, kicking her legs.

She has also discovered how acting impatient can get her anything she wants - both Dad and Mom scramble to figure out what she needs or to hurry up and warm her food so she can eat. Anything the princess wants.

Other than the play mat, toys aren't really tickling her fancy yet, but we offer them to her to see what she will do. Mostly she ignores them.

She recently changed crying for attention to a whimper combined with a few loud sharp screams. Then she waits to see what happens, then does it again.

When she is hungry, she cries out continuously, distinctly saying "Hun-GER Hun-GER Hun-GER!"
